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~Welcome to my blog!!!~
I am a stay-at-home mom to three kiddos- two girls who are 10 and 7, and our first little boy who will be 5 in October.
It can get a little chaotic around here with all the activity of three kids... but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world!

Well, at least most days I wouldn't... ;)


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Almost Time

Continuing the story of Nicholas' birth last year....

So, after being admitted to the hospital Monday night, they gave me medication all night long try to regulate my blood pressure. It kept going up and down depending on the amount of meds they gave me. Mostly, it was up. Surprisingly, aside from the swelling, I was feeling just fine. I even asked the nurse when i was being checked in if it was normal to be this sick and feel as good as I did. She said that it could be.

Tuesday morning, my doc walked in, took a look at my charts, and after a couple minutes of pondering, said, "you're not getting better until you have this baby. So, we going to be delivering him." (or something along those lines)

He then checked to see if I was making any labor progress and being that I was 7 weeks from my due date, I wasn't. So, he decided on a c-section. His reasoning was that it would take 2 days to induce me. And he didn't want to waste that much time. That night, I had my second steroid shot. My section was scheduled for the next morning.

For some reason, even though I didn't want a caesarean birth, I was not upset. And for some reason, even though my baby was going to be born 7 weeks early, I wasn't (that) nervous. The day before his birth dragged on and on. I had several visitors and even more phone calls asking how I was coping.

They monitored the baby constantly throughout the day... and they continued monitoring me too. I sware... I must have given a gallon blood throughout my hospital stay. It seemed like someone was always coming in with a needle! My poor arm was pretty much one complete bruise.

The night before my section was a restless one. Partly because of all the monitoring and partly because of nerves. But I did manage to get a little shut eye.

And before I knew it, Nicholas' birthday was here...


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