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~Welcome to my blog!!!~
I am a stay-at-home mom to three kiddos- two girls who are 10 and 7, and our first little boy who will be 5 in October.
It can get a little chaotic around here with all the activity of three kids... but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world!

Well, at least most days I wouldn't... ;)


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Just thinking....

Yesterday, I went to pick up my niece at college. She's a freshman at Ohio State University. GO BUCKEYES!!!!!!

So anyways, as I was driving up, I was thinking about when I went to college long long ago. I went to Bowling Green in northwestern Ohio. Majored in elementary and special education (BG has a nationally recognized program), graduated and taught for ten years, and then six years ago, I became a stay-at-home-mom. And obviously, sometime in there, I met my husband.

When I was applying to colleges, I only applied to two. Bowling Green and OSU. I decided on the smaller school because I was slightly afraid of the enormity of OSU. Years later, even though I loved BG, I often think that I wished I'd chosen Ohio State instead.

But then I think about how different my life would be. I imagine I would have had a different major as I was undecided when I started school. And being that BG was big on education majors, that is where I some how ended up. If I'd gone to a different school, there is no telling what I would have ended up choosing as my major. I went to college thinking international business. Couldn't even imagine me doing that now.

Aside from my career, if I'd gone to a different school, I would never have met my husband. The night I met him, I was living south of town and teaching first grade. I'd graduated 3 years before that. A friend from college (who I would never had known had I not gone to BG) was up for the weekend and she and I went to a bar. And that is where true love began. (insert some sappy sighs...) My future hubby just happened to be there that night with another friend. Fate must have been at work because we met, started talking, and the rest is history... a long history with many stories behind it...

Had I never gone to BG, met my friend, and gotten together with her that night, I wouldn't be where I am right now.

With three absolutely adorable kids, a terrific (most of the time! LOL) hubby, and a very supportive (his side of the)extended family.

Isn't life weird that way? I mean, I'm sure if I'd chosen OSU instead of BG, I would still be happy. Still have a family. Still be pretty much the same person inside that I am now.

But I wouldn't have my babies. My life. Heck, I probably wouldn't even have this here blog! LOL

Yeah. Ok, so when I think back... do I wish I'd have gone to OSU instead. Nope. Not even a little bit.


Blogger Bobkat said...

There is a theory which I am sure you have heard of, where all alternative realities are played out. Everytime we make a choice, the alternaive to the course we chose is played out in an alternative reality. So somewhere there is a 'you' that went to OSU! The important thing is that you are happy.

Michele sent me to say hi.

2:25 PM  
Blogger Laura McIntyre said...

I love thinking about these things, maybe you and DH would still of met just a diffrent way. I wonder quite a bit what if - but as you say if there was a slight chance i would not have my girls im glad i never

3:58 AM  
Blogger carmilevy said...

It's funny you mention that you're an alum of Bowling Green. I have a tenuous connection...

When we drive down to Florida, we leave really early in the morning. We like the psychology of driving lots of miles by breakfast-time. It makes for a relaxed day of driving, which makes for a shorter second day on the road.

The way time and distance work from London, we often end up in Bowling Green for breakfast. Every year, we follow the same template, and every year I find myself liking the place that much more.

Students from the dorms across the street wander into the restaurant and smile at our kids. Everyone is so laid back and kind. I always wish we could spend more time's the kind of town that seems to welcome one and all. Maybe we'll do just that next time we're here.

I can see why you're so glad you went to school here.

9:47 PM  

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