Top Momma!
Ok so at least a month ago, I registered on a blog traffic site called Top Momma. They put a picture and link to your blog on the front page of the site and it's a contest of sorts to see who can get the most clicks and stay on the page the longest. I just got a message that my blog is finally listed.
SOOOOO... if you could go and click on it, it'll keep me on the page. Pretty silly, eh? Humor me and do it anyways! ;)
Oh, and if anyone can figure out the referral thing (it's part of the stats in my little box and so far, I've got a whopping ZERO! :( )... anyways, if you can figure it out, please explain it to me! :)
Hi there, Top Momma.... :-)
I have added my vote - 'cos I think you make bee-yoo-tiful children, Cathy.
No idea about the referrals thing.
I read on down, and am pleased to see you are having a go with cloth diapers - every little helps!
Michele sent me to say hello to our Top Momma.
Congrats on being a Top Momma! Here via Michele!
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