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~Welcome to my blog!!!~
I am a stay-at-home mom to three kiddos- two girls who are 10 and 7, and our first little boy who will be 5 in October.
It can get a little chaotic around here with all the activity of three kids... but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world!

Well, at least most days I wouldn't... ;)


Friday, January 06, 2006

Out with the Junk!

So, a couple of days ago I mentioned that we're in the process of moving some rooms around. Cass has pretty much already moved into Jenna's old room (and she's still doing a fab job in her big girl bed! Go Cass!). Now tomorrow and Sunday, the plan is to move Jenna into her new room. Hubby's been painting it but is not sure he's satisfied with the job yet. We're using a can of pink paint we bought 2 1/2 years ago when we were first moving J out of the nursery. It's been opened for a while so it's not totally fresh (is that a word that can describe paint?!). Well, anyways, it seems to be going on a bit thick and uneven. And there was barely enough to cover the walls, let alone enough to fix all the places that need more. SO he might be heading out to buy some more tomorrow. We'll see!

Now before we move J's stuff out of her old room, I decided to go through and get rid of all the junk. You know, those toys that only have one piece left that isn't lost or broken. All those ridiculous Happy Meal and other kids' meal toys. Mitchmatched stuff. Stuff with stains, rips, tears, etc, etc, etc. I cleverly waited till J was helping Daddy paint before I started. Figured she'd be less likely to see me throw away her "treasures!" She did keep wandering in and otu trying to take things back out of the bag but I wouldn't let her! I know, I know... mean momma. But I was on a mission! When all was said and done, I threw away enough to fill the garbage bag. Go me! I would love to start her new room without all the silly clutter she's accumulated in baskets and drawers over the past couple years. She didn't pitch too much of a fit... but then again, she didn't see everything I got rid of! I doubt she'll even miss any of it!

I did the same thing in Cassidy's old room. Boxed up all of her crib bedding and some of the decorations on the walls and shelves. We did the nursery in Noah's Ark and I have so much stuff it's crazy! I'm debating trying to list some of it on ebay but I think I'll end up putting most of it in my moms' group kids' sale this spring! And hopefully, I'll make some moolah on it! If you're looking for any NA stuff, let me know... I just might have it!

During all this room moving, hubby is going to be unhooking the computer network he's got set up and I imagine it'll be a few days at least before we're all hooked back up! :( Hopefully he can get it figured out soon so I don't go through major withdrawal! Do they have a Betty Ford clinic for internet users?!!? lol

So if I disappear for a bit, you'll know why!


Blogger Kelly said...

Congrats on the de-junking of the toys. That is always a BIG step! Besides pink how else will Miss J's room be decorated? Hope the network isn't down for long. I kwym though!

11:59 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

What an accomplishment!!!!

7:56 AM  
Blogger kenju said...

Reading this, I remembered when my kids were small and I used to clean out their closets and toy boxes when they were in school. Most of the time they never even missed anything that was gone, but now and then they would remember something and cry, but they got over it!

Michele sent me.

11:15 AM  

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