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~Welcome to my blog!!!~
I am a stay-at-home mom to three kiddos- two girls who are 10 and 7, and our first little boy who will be 5 in October.
It can get a little chaotic around here with all the activity of three kids... but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world!

Well, at least most days I wouldn't... ;)


Friday, July 18, 2008

My Four Year Old

UGH.... love her to pieces but I'm about ready to send her packing!

She just got in trouble for coloring WITH MARKER on the hall carpet. Not just a little spot. We're talking at least twelve inches of thick scribble.

Ok. So that pissed me off and I took ALL of her My Little Ponys away. The child lives for playing with her ponies. She screamed like a crazy child the whole time. So then I go into her (VERY MESSY!) room, to talk to her about why she is in trouble.


While in there, I find yet another huge masterpiece on the carpet over by her closet. AND a week or so ago, she colored all over the wall around her bed. The wall that hubby and I spent HOURS stenciling with flowers a few years ago. That artwork was blaring out at me too... along with her carpet creations.


So I took her MLP Butterfly Island away too. AND now I'm making her clean her room. She is none too happy with me right about now.

Little turd. She's not getting those ponies back till Monday at the earliest! And she's not enjoying the slumber party tonight either.

So, any offers? I'll take the highest bid. Might as well make some money off of her. ninja.gif


Blogger Angie said...

Hopefully you made her help scrub those walls and floor. I realize she's only 4 but if she can make the mess she can clean it up (the best she can). At first the scrub brush and warm water is fun but after a while it's not cool anymore to clean up.

I only had one incident with crayon on the wall. I made my son scrub until it was all off. He never did it again.

I can only imagine what my reaction would have been. I'm sure I would have had to lock myself in the bathroom...just for everyones safety :-)

3:03 PM  

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