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~Welcome to my blog!!!~
I am a stay-at-home mom to three kiddos- two girls who are 10 and 7, and our first little boy who will be 5 in October.
It can get a little chaotic around here with all the activity of three kids... but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world!

Well, at least most days I wouldn't... ;)


Monday, March 27, 2006

An Answered Prayer...

My oldest daughter has been telling me for awhile now that she wants a baby brother.

With both of my girls, we had to jump through hoops in order to get pregnant. The first took three years and the second took 18 months or so... and two iui fertility treatments. We saw a specialist for both girls. Once Cass was on her way, hubby and I decided that we were done with fertility doctors and if another child was going to grace our family, it would have to be au natural and pretty much an oops. Meaning we weren't going to try but if it happened, cool. Going through the heartache of not being able to conceive twice was enough for us.

So when Jenna started asking for a brother, I pretty much figured that with our previous luck, she wasn't going to get her wish. I actually told her she needed to be doing some serious praying if she hoped to get another sibling. Then I pretty much went about my business. She mentioned wanting a brother here and there but I always just told her that it probably wasn't going to happen. Cass turned two this past December. Since her birth, we'd never used any... ahem... protection. And our luck held out.

But.... little did I realize, my sweet little five year *was* actually praying pretty consistently at night for a new baby brother to join our family.

The morning I first took a test, we were sitting having breakfast and she told me she'd forgotten to pray that night before. Hmmmm.... I asked her what she was praying for and at first she didn't want to tell me. Then she said she'd been praying for a brother.

Looks like her prayer might possibly be answered come Thanksgiving...


Blogger Alison said...

Prayer is a powerful thing!

6:44 AM  
Blogger PC said...

Congratulations!!! That is so exciting.

4:24 PM  

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