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~Welcome to my blog!!!~
I am a stay-at-home mom to three kiddos- two girls who are 10 and 7, and our first little boy who will be 5 in October.
It can get a little chaotic around here with all the activity of three kids... but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world!

Well, at least most days I wouldn't... ;)


Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I took Nicholas to the doctor Monday for his hernia. The doc recommended surgery (which I was expecting). The surgery is TOMORROW!! (Wednesday!) I can't believe they were able to get him in so quickly.

Since he's such a dinky little guy, they are keeping him overnight. Which, of course, means I'm spending the night too. Tonight, he gets his last bottle by 10:00. From then until 4:00 am, he can have apple juice or pedialyte. And after 4, absolutely nothing but his binky. Should make for a fun night, eh?

Surgery is scheduled for 8. We have to be at the hospital at 6 am. UGH! So, I'm actually heading to bed soon. Have to pack a suitcase first.

Keep him in your prayers. Geez, I seem to be asking for that a lot lately don't I?? :)


Blogger carmilevy said...

There's no limit to our prayers, so keep asking and we'll keep praying.

Any surgery is a big deal when it's your kid. I still remember what it felt like when our then-two-year-old daughter was rolled away for her first surgery.

Minor in the overall scheme of things. But she was our little girl. And when she had surgery again when she was six, I felt exactly the same way.

Please know we're all praying for your little man.

10:07 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Prayers are continuing no question....

It's wonderful that they are able to get him in so fast!!!

6:14 AM  

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