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~Welcome to my blog!!!~
I am a stay-at-home mom to three kiddos- two girls who are 10 and 7, and our first little boy who will be 5 in October.
It can get a little chaotic around here with all the activity of three kids... but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world!

Well, at least most days I wouldn't... ;)


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Making Some Progress

In two areas of our household....

First off, Nicholas has been sleeping in his crib for at least a couple hours each night. Which means I'm not having to spend the entire night on the couch with him on top of me! Not that I don't love the snuggling of course. But it's nice to have a few hours of shut eye in a bed!

Second, my almost three year old is on the way to being potty trained!!!!!!! WOO FREAKIN HOO!!! This is a big deal!! We've been struggling with her for several months now and finally, as of a couple days ago, it's starting to click. She made it through today with only one accident. We've been promising her that once she was wearing panties, Mommy would buy her a Bratz doll (big sister just got two so of course that's what little sister had to have to). So today, while I was at the store (and after Daddy had let her call me twice to tell me she'd gone potty while I was gone!), I picked her up a Hollywood Bratz doll. She was so excited! And of course, we had to call Grandma to tell her the big news. Turns out Grandma (who incidently spoils my kiddos like crazy!) had picked up a Bratz doll for her too. So she'll get that probably on Thanksgiving.

I am so happy that we are finally to this point. I was beginning to think C was going to go to kindergarten in pull ups!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was trying to get through potty training my son (age 3 yrs, 4 months) without bribing. But clearly, it's not working! I'm just trying to figure out which toy will do the trick.

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful son!!

10:56 PM  
Blogger scrappintwinmom said...

Congrats on the potty training - we're gearing up to conquer that hurdle, not looking forward. Here via Michele!

11:10 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

I'm so glad that part of mothering is over for me. Not that there won't be likely bigger issues down the pipe...

6:09 AM  

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