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~Welcome to my blog!!!~
I am a stay-at-home mom to three kiddos- two girls who are 10 and 7, and our first little boy who will be 5 in October.
It can get a little chaotic around here with all the activity of three kids... but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world!

Well, at least most days I wouldn't... ;)


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Cool Rider~

Over the weekend, I went garage saling. Picked up a few odds and ends but nothing too fancy. At one of the last garage sales I went to, I bought a little girl's bike for $4. It did not come with training wheels... but today, my hubby went out and bought some, along with a cute little pink basket for the front. Awwwww.... :)

Tonight, we taught my four year old to ride it!!! She was so excited while Daddy was putting on the training wheels, she could barely contain herself. Finally the time came to try it out! She climbed on with no problem, put her feet on the pedals, and sat there. With a little encouragement, she attempted to pedal the bike. And she went... no where. :(

"I want off. I'm ready to go swing now," she said.

So much for perserverance, huh? So we let her get off and she went back and swung on the backyard swing for a few minutes then decided to give the bike another whirl. For the next half hour, I followed along beside her, pushing her from behind. As soon as I stopped pushing, the pedals would go around once or twice more and then she'd come to a standstill.

"Push me again, Mommy!"

And so I did. Up and down the sidewalk we went... me pushing her every couple yards. And her attempting to get that pedal to go around by herself. And lo and behold, the more I pushed her, the more she started pedaling on her own. Before I knew it, she was pedaling 25 yards or so without my help! And then farther and farther until she could go half a block by herself!!! I'm sure you can imagine how proud she was of herself... and how misty eyed Momma got watching it happen right before my eyes. I can't believe how fast my sweet little cool rider is growing up...

Now without further adieu, here she is, in all her glory... (and of course, her bike helmet!)

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Way to go Sweetie... Mommy is so proud of you!!


Blogger Kim said...

Awww, she's got a big girl bike!!!! WTG Jenna!

It Zoe a loooooooooong time to figure out the bike, and she finally got it, but needs a big one now.

12:06 AM  
Blogger Beanhead said...

Go Jenna Go!

12:31 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

My oldest is nine and he's been riding for years. The misty eye part of that is that we feel he is now responsible enough to go riding on the trails with his friends. Our five year old just got a new bike for her birthday and it is such that we can't get the training wheels on it, so there she is every few days trying with help to get control of the beast. Our three year old has NO fear and could ride a bike without training wheels but his legs are too short to reach the ground so he just goes around like a maniac.

Great blog, I'll be back

6:19 AM  

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